Wednesday 9 May 2012

Wednesday Chill day

It's been a little while since I wrote in here. There never seems to be enough hours in a day to complete everything I want to.

I am spending my day in my yoga pants with my friend/co-worker Sabrina
I picked us up some Chinese food, we inhaled it and then plopped in front of our laptops and started to create/customize our blogs.

It's a perfect day to do such thing as the weather is crummy. Been raining all day.


No new beauty boxes since the Glossy box I reviewed. I am anxiously waiting for my first
Loose Buttons  box which hopefully will be here soon.

I have not been up to much - I did go out and bought a new lip gloss last week.
If anyone knows me, they know I love my lip gloss/ Nail polish.

I got this:

Peach Kiss - by Maybelline

The first thing I noticed when I opened it was the lovely smell it had.
As I put it on, I noticed how moisturizing it was from the start. I love this gloss, It is def a great product and I love the tint it gives my lips as well.  I carry it in my purse every day and apply it often. A+ in my books.



I recently ordered a new personalized journal from Vista Print , 
I need to make more time to read and write - I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I started a Livejournal back in 2001. 
I cannot wait to break this journal in and make it my own.  


  1. It was a blast playing battleship with you yesterday... It`s a habit we need to make. The laughs, the venting, the chilling, eating and creativity is necessary. Thanks for being a great friend. I hope more ppl start following you... there`s a lot of ppl missin`out! :) HUGS S.

  2. i really want to get baby lips! :)

    <3, Mimi
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